It’s worth going in early as the crowds are reasonable at that time of day.
Val la pena anar-hi d’hora, ja que les multituds són raonables a aquella hora del dia.
Font: AINA
At that precise moment, he or the criminals tore the bag from his hands before fleeing and getting lost in the crowd that is in the area at that time of day.
En aquell precís moment, el o els delinqüents li van arrencar la bossa de les mans abans de fugir i perdre’s entre la multitud que hi ha a la zona a aquella hora del dia.
Font: AINA
Our knowledge is hourly improving.
El nostre coneixement millora a cada hora.
Font: riurau-editors
However, you can agree with the #100tífica on the day and time that suits you best, within that week.
Tanmateix, podeu acordar amb la #100tífica el dia i l’hora que millor us encaixi, dins d’aquella setmana.
Font: MaCoCu
We should follow the development of its contradictions day by day and hour by hour.
Hem de seguir el desenvolupament de les seues contradiccions dia a dia i hora a hora.
Font: MaCoCu
Live the magic hour of the end of the day from a kayak
Viu l’hora màgica del final del dia des d’un caiac
Font: MaCoCu
Date, time, location and examining panel will be informed before.
S’informarà abans del dia, lloc, hora i membres del tribunal.
Font: MaCoCu
It varies with age and depends on the time of day.
Varia amb l’edat i depèn de l’hora del dia.
Font: MaCoCu
The ideal place to eat something at any time of the day.
El racó ideal per fer un àpat a qualsevol hora del dia.
Font: MaCoCu
Consumer recommendations: For enjoying a responsible coffee at any time of the day.
Recomanacions de consum: Per a poder gaudir del cafè responsable a qualsevol hora del dia.
Font: MaCoCu
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